Student Fears in Jobless America

Barack Obama, the US president, sounded a positive note on Friday following the reports of a rise in regional employment opportunities when he spoke to workers at a company in the state of North Carolina.

The president said the US economy still had a long way to go until it fully recovers, and that many people were still suffering the effects of the recession.

Among those facing grim employment prospects are university students. With graduation time approaching, those leaving school are entering a bleak labour market.

Al Jazeera‘s Rob Reynolds visits a group of students to hear their concerns about the future.


Illuminati Warning: Martial Law Plans Revealed?

*** WARNING *** this video contains potentially upsetting information. It is difficult to know exactly what information is contained in this bill being voted on the Senate, but it does not leave much to the imagination.

Possible reference to:  Civilian Unrest, Martial Law, Warfare, Crowd Control … I leave it to you to decide once you have watched this.